Common Questions


Why go to therapy? 

There are many reasons why people come to therapy. Sometimes it is to deal with long-standing issues, such as problems with anxiety or depression. Other times it is in response to unexpected changes in one's life such as the loss of a relationship or making a life transition. Many want to work on personal growth as a matter of good self-care. Working with a therapist can help provide insight, support, and new strategies for coping.

Do I really need therapy? I can usually handle my problems. 

Sometimes we just can’t go it alone. Everyone goes through challenges, and while you may have done well on your own before, there's nothing wrong with seeking out extra support when you need it. In fact, people who come to therapy have enough self-awareness and self-love to know when to seek help. That is a sign of good mental health. You are taking responsibility by accepting the reality of your present situation and doing something positive to try and change what’s happening.

What are the benefits and risks of therapy? 

There are benefits as well as risks in coming to therapy. As your therapist, I can provide support and teach positive coping skills for issues such as depression, anxiety, relationship problems, unresolved childhood issues, grief, stress management, and personal growth. I can provide a fresh perspective on a difficult problem or point you in the direction of a solution. The benefits you obtain from therapy depend on how well you use the process and put into practice what you learn outside sessions. Some of the benefits may include:

• Greater Self-awareness and Self-Acceptance
• Improving Relationship to Self and Others
• Finding Resolution to Current Life Situation
• Stress and Anxiety Management through Mindfulness Training
• Emotional Regulation Skills (Anger, Resentment, Sadness, Grief)
• Improving Communication Skills (Speaking, Listening)
• Identifying Behavior Patterns and Creating New Ones
• Discovering Purpose and Meaning in Life

And the risks? 

Therapy isn’t always easy. Sometimes clients find that it is difficult to stay with the painful emotions. Change can be frightening. In describing the process of therapy, I like the analogy of what it’s like to clean out a closet. You have to pull everything out and take an inventory of what you see. Then you have to sort through what's there and choose what to keep, what to throw out, and you may even add something new. During this time of sorting through things it may look like you have a bigger mess than when you started! Once you've put everything back in its place you feel great. It's no longer scary to open the door anymore. You have peace of mind. You know what's inside and where to find it. It was all worth the effort. 

What is your style as a therapist? 

It is very important that you find a “good fit” between you and your therapist. Usually by the first session we can get a sense of whether or not I can help you and whether or not you feel comfortable with me. By providing a safe space within a supportive relationship, I help you explore where you might get stuck with curiosity and compassion. My style is both sensitive and direct. You know better than anyone what it's like to be you. I believe that everyone has the innate ability inside themselves to find wholeness. It is not my desire to impose my own views on anyone, yet I am professionally trained help you find and use your own strengths and may offer suggestions and encouragement along the way. One of my primary objectives as a therapist is to help my clients develop and connect with their own inner wisdom.

Do you accept insurance? How does insurance work? 

I am currently not on any insurance panels. If you would like to file for out-of-network coverage, I can provide the necessary paperwork for you as a National Service Provider. If you would like to file for benefits, I would recommend that you contact your insurance carrier for more information on the details of your policy.